This beach house, essentially built on the dunes of Yzerfontein, on the West Coast, has uninterrupted views of the ocean and is immersed in this relatively untouched piece of nature. The design and interior choices were all made to support this serene feeling the site already provides.

As one enters the front door you see right through the house to the ocean and the other spaces also follow this logic. Open plan kitchen, dining, living room and stoep all open up to a great big deck that wraps around the house. The family loves living and socialising around the kitchen, celebrating the food making process and all being in one place so a ten-seater table was attached to the main island to allow for this. This then became a major design element and the heart of the house. The clients were fantastic and knew exactly what they wanted - they chose durable finishes which meant living so close to the ocean was no problem and the light, clean palette of colours chosen means that the house is a perfect combination of a nostalgic beach house and contemporary luxury.

Photography: Leigh Page